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what if the ground was itself nebulous cover art

what if the ground was itself nebulous?

thank you for engaging with our first album in over six years. if you're here it means you've followed the qr code on the full version of the album's cover art. or you were given the secret url by one of us, or a confidant. or you correctly divined that it's not so secret at all.

on this page you will find all downloads related to this album—for free. we ask that, if you share this page, please only do so with those you trust most. the empire's tendrils, omnipresent and cunning, are never too far off⋯

listen to what if the ground was itself nebulous →

at the time of writing, our world is in turmoil. day after day we helplessly bear witness to the genocide of Palestinians, with Israel's bloodlust careening toward extermination, backed by the USA—the two hellbent on regional dominance, carnage, and chaos. and this isn't the only turmoil before us. so it is incumbent on us all, artists or otherwise, to instill mechanisms of resistance and messages of hope in all that we do. there is some of that in this music. by necessity, it is imprinted with the stark realities of our moment, in whose ruins i hope we can nurture a flourishing future.

recently in song i've found a new voice—a voice for unrealized futures in which resistance has won ("&pull," "light of death"); for song of praise and defense (of Atlanta's canopy in "harvest unsaid"); and songs that proclaim visions for collective healing ("slow and hearing").

so not all hope is lost. in fact, i wish that you can find solidarity and comfort in these songs. and also just vibe with the album purely on a musical level, nothin' wrong with that. just know that this music is a pact first and foremost. a pact to finish a better world.

gradient orb

art and layout by robert voyvodic

for this release we commissioned our longtime friend robert voyvodic to design what i’ve been referring to as the Real Artwork, from which the traditional square album cover was derived.

i wanted to use the full version—the “macro” as we call it—specifically as something to share privately, or with purchase, or some other form of engagement with the album that occurs outside walled garden social media platforms, whose restrictive and extractive means are at their core comprised of every last antithesis to a better future.

in order to push against this corporate consolidation-extraction loop, i have worked hard to own my work, maintain a comprehensive archive (much of it available here on our website), start a blog essentially for the sole purpose of sharing in-progress music, and even keep a small mailing list in tact over the years. all so that when these platforms eventually fail, or collapse in on themselves due to the AI slop ouroboros they created, they won’t take our—and by extension robert’s—work with them, and we won’t have invested ourselves in something that would never give back even a fraction of what we put into it.

in this way, what we do feels more personal, and i really wanted that to extend to robert’s work, for him to produce something beyond the confines of your traditional square album artwork. and i don’t even really have a problem with square covers, i actually think it’s cool that it’s this unifying piece of music in a way. but context is so important to me, lol, so there had to be something more than the square. obviously!!! and what robert made totally exceeded my expectations. i think it’s so fucking sick. have a look:

what if the ground was itself nebulous poster

what if the ground was itself nebulous is available for download just below; on streaming platforms; and also available on bandcamp. should you wish to purchase our music, please first consider purchasing e-sims for Gazans, donating to abortion funds and hurricaine/flooding relief efforts, or supporting efforts to protect trans people in your community. after all, the music is freely available below.



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